• Amor Sin Beso, Es Como Aguapanela Sin Queso •

Le Déjeuner Sur L’herbe Magique – 58” x 93”
Te Canto Rio – 70″x96″
Another Wild Saturday Night – 36”x50”
Modelame Así – 77″x51″
Ramito de Rosas Para Arrepentirte – 80″x96″
Where The Guaviare Sings of Ochre and Red – 96″x80″
Quién Pidió Pollo – 80″x96″
Borrachita Siempre Llevo el Alma Mia – 47″x51″
With Cowboy Hats and Boots So Fine, In The Wild Our Hearts Entwined – 96″x80″
A Land of Verdant Green – 55″x55″
On Whom I Lean, Until The End – 51″x38″
With a Crown of Gold Like The Golden Sun, He Was Left To Sigh and Sing Alone – 80″x96″
Know The Leopards Playful Song, And Join His Dance, All Night Long – 59″x59″
Amor Con Hambre No Dura – 51″x77″
Bailando con el Boto – 59″x60″
I Was Here When I Was Born – 47″x51″
Rompe El Colchón y Vuelve a la Vida – 70”x70”
The Mystic Capture of The Unicorn – 72” x 108”
I remember when I was a child, going to my grandfathers house on Sundays. It was a small, white, two story house in a traditional neighborhood in Bogotá, Colombia. You will enter through the garage, it had a very distinct painted floor that will always leave the sole of your shoes red; a big front door will welcome you inside the house, this will open right into to the living room, always brighten by a warm light in the afternoon; walk a little bit more and you will find yourself in the dining room, we would sit around a big wooden rectangular table to eat, play and talk for hours. Beside it, there was a noiseless, metallic, thin, white door; it opened to a small garden at the back of the house. I don’t know why, I found this place so particular and magical. It has always been in my mind ever since. It was small, and fresh, when you entered, you could see blue skies above you, surrounded by green walls full of many different types of plants. Lorenza, a parrot that would repeat everything you said was its tenant. I remember it had a particular smell; it transported me immediately to a different place, a place in the forest where the water was born up high in the mountains. This small, secret place, hidden from the rest of the house was very special to me, and I know it was the same to my grandfather. In essence, it was a reflection of his past and dreams.

“AMOR SIN BESO, ES COMO AGUAPANELA SIN QUESO” is an entrance to my secret garden, to the realms of my memory and imagination, where my past intertwines with my dreams, creating a tapestry of emotions and experiences. Each stroke of paint, each line drawn, carries the weight of my history, the echoes of moments lived and lessons learned. Yet, within this retrospective journey lies the spark of imagination, the fuel for envisioning new worlds. Through this work, I navigate the labyrinth of my mind, weaving together fragments of reality and fantasy, seeking to capture the essence of my past and dreams. 
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